Monday, June 9, 2008

Harpers Ferry West Virginia, 1009

Hi Everyone from the unofficial halfway point of the A.T. I am writing this from the Appalachian Trail Conference Office in Harpers Ferry. Click on the ATC link I have on the Blog if you want to learn more about the ATC. The office has all kinds of ammenities for hikers one of which is a computer to use.

All I can say at this point is Patty and I are glad to be done with the 550 + miles of Virginia. The past two days have really been tough with temps in the 90's and high humidity. We made the trip from Front Royal in three days of hiking with hikes of 18 miles, and then two 20 mile days. The 20 mile days were a little tough with the hot weather but we started early and drank lots of water.

We stayed in a shelter called Dicks Dome the first night. We had it all to ourselves and with threats of sever thunder storms we thought it was a good choice. We met an interesting section hiker at this shelter. He was an attorney from DC and a law school classmate of Hillery Clinton. He knew both of the Clintons and we had an interesting conversation.

The second nite after hiking 20 miles we stayed at the Bear's Den Hostel. It was just off the trail and a great treat after hiking in the heat. The building was a huge stone house built by a Doctor for his opera singing wife in the 1930's. It was really a neat place.

We left the Hostel Sunday morning at 6:30 am on June 5 to try and beat the heat and did the 20 miles into Harpers Ferry. We stopped at another hostel called the Blackburn 11 miles down the trail from the Bears Den and ran into Phil and Val Rogosheshke from St Cloud. Rogo was not feeling well and was going to get a ride into Harpers Ferry. We checked on him this morning and he had just gone into the ER at the hospital to get checked out.

We also weighed our packs at Blackburn after we both loaded up with water. Patty's was at 35 pounds and I was at 40. We had just loaded up with 4 liters of water, 8 pounds, but our food was just about gone, but this is a lot lighter than when we started.

After leaving the Blackburn Trail Center and hostel we continued on our way to Harpers Ferry. With six miles to go and temps reaching the mid 90's we crossed a road and met the parents of a hiker we knew. They gave us some cold drinks and told us they were staying at the Comfort Inn. We were also planning on staying and asked if they would be willing to take a little weight off our backs. They said sure, so Patty gave them her pack and I pretty much emptied mine and then carried our water and some other essentials the last 6 miles. I know that our packs may seem light, but no pack or a 15 pound pack over a lot of rock on the trail is really nice. Patty was almost flying over the trail.

We came into Harpers Ferry and down almost 2000 feet before crossing the Shendoah River. We are staying at the Comfort Inn which is just off the trail. The air conditioning is really appreciated. We went out for supper last night at a place called "The Pub" and had a beverage and supper. We also ran into some friends we have met along the trail.

We are taking the day off today and doing a little touring in Harpers Ferry. The entire old town of Harpers Ferry is a National Parksite and there really is a lot of history here. Does everyone know the significance of Harpers Ferry and John Brown?? History lesson of the day. Look it up!

It is supposed to be hot again tomorrow, so we may take another day off. Some people are planning a trip into Washington DC for the day, but if temps are hot, I don't think I want to do any touring since both Patty and I have already been there.

I have posted a few of the friends we have seen along the trail to date since the scenery and views have been lacking a little.

I will try to post after we walk across Maryland (40 miles) and we are into PA. Hopefully in the next week or so.

1 comment:

Media Duck said...

Hi Patty & Jeff,
Well we are in Wy and glad not to have 90˚ days! The ride went very well. We brought out cabinets so we can finish the kitchen! They had 4 inches of snow here last week so things are just waking up and still pretty green. It will be tough to get into the back county right now with out skis. There is still 5 feet of snow only about 5 miles up the trail. We'll have to bike and work on projects for a while. The mountains are beautiful though with so much snow and they needed it. We'll call soon! Keep up the great hiking and the nice blogs!
Love, JoAnn & Garry