Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Duncannon PA, 1133 miles done, 1041 to go

Hi Everyone

I know I just posted two days ago, but Patty and I hiked into one of the classic trail towns today when we hiked into Duncannon.
We left Boiling Springs yesterday morning after a stop at the Mid Atlantic Office of the A.T.C. We had big plans of doing 22 miles, but the heat and humidity were still turned on high and we did not start hiking until around 8 am. It was a good hike and we experienced walking through some of the farmlands of PA. We hiked 11 miles and then took a break for lunch at a Diner located off of PA 11. We had to walk about a 1/4 mile, but it was worth it. After lunch it warmed up even more and we had all we could do to hike the last 4 miles to the shelter where we camped. We did all of our chores and had supper just in time, because at 7 pm we had just crawled into the tent when we experienced the strongest winds of the trip. We heard later that they were up to 60 mph. There was a little rain after that and then it calmed down until around 11:00 pm when it hit again. I thik I slept through most of that. We woke up this morning to 55 degrees and hiked the 12 miles into town by 11:30 am.
We are staying at the legendary Doyle Hotel. I am sure this was a classic in its day when it was built by Annehauser Busch. Today it is a classic hiker hotel with rooms at $ 30.00 and shared bathrooms. I have attached a picture. Imagine the Buckman Hotel in LF. We had some great food for lunch and the beer was very cold. The rooms are not quite 5 * more like a quarter moon. Anyway, Patty and I don't plan on getting too roudy tonight with the rest of the hikers, as we want to get an early start. We are on the 4th floor and 3 floors above the bar, so we should be safe. This trip is full of experiences.
I will try to post pictures of the Doyle along with Patty at the halfway point marker, the first Washington Monument, a good picture of the Mountain Laurel with me in it (we walk through miles of this stuff), and a picture of the cabin we stayed at with me and the owner.
Until next time.

Red Dog and Lucky Dog


DaveM said...

Hi Jeff and Patty,

Thanks for sending me the link to your blog. I love the looking at the pictures you are taking. Keep walking...

Dave Musielewicz

dsg said...

Congrats on making it 1/2 way!Nothing much new in LF although the weather is finally warming up. Take care.
The G-V's

p.s. Things look great at your house. Roger is doing a good job on the mowing task. Brigid F. dad died earlier this week.

dave and caleb the brownie biters said...

Hi guys, nice to meet you two. the website is mountwashington.org/weather/cam/deck
if my son got this wrong just google mt washington weather. have fun on the rest of your hike, the rocks stop in jersey!! we look forward to charting your progress

Media Duck said...

Hi Guys,
We are thinking of you. We went to a new area for a short trip and did a wonderful 12 mile day hike into a great big river basin surrounded on all sides by snow tipped mountains. We were pretty beat after 12 miles though. Your long hikes are pretty amazing! Congratulations on making it half way! ! hope the heat holds off for you or you might be doing night hikes. We have our cabinets done and installed in the cabin! We are ready for guests! Take care and we'll be thinking of you.
Jo & Gar