Hi Everyone
I thought I would post a few pics of our family vacation. Jason flew up and we picked up Chris at Moose Pass and promptly took a hike up to his secret Greyling Lake. We caught and released as many Greyling as we wanted and then hiked back down. We spent a couple of days in Seward and took a halibut charter, but the weather was to rough for good halibut fishing but we did catch some nice silver salmon and some pacific cod. Chris did catch a small halibut. We stayed at the military resort in Seward, which I would recommend highly. They had a fantastic fish processing facility that we used to vacume bag our fish. We then hiked into a cabin on the Russian river trail and spent two nights. It was a nice to be in a cabin as we had a fair amount of rain. We fished the Russian River on our way out and had a couple of bear encounters. We had a Black Bear sow with two cubs fishing directly across from us and then we had to take the high ground as a Brown Bear, (Griz) with two cubs came wandering down the creek. They were about 10 yards away when I first saw them and I thought we should give them the river bank so we just went up the hill and let them pass by.
We caught our red salmon and then came back to Bird Point where we were able to catch some Pink Salmon in Bird Creek. Pinks are on the low end of the scale in the salmon eating contest, but, are not bad if eaten fresh. We were also able to show the kids the bore tide and actually watched someone trying to surf the tide. Check out the pic.
We hiked up to Crow Pass and also up Mount Aleyeska and had a great dinner at the Double Musky. This restaraunt was named one of the 10 best in the nation on the food network. They have great food and an Alaskan atmosphere. It was fun to have the family together for a family vacation.
We dropped Jason off at the airport and then took Chris back to Moose Pass with another stop at the Russian River. The bears were even thicker. We saw a Black bear as soon as we got there and then saw the Brown Bear with cubs and a little later saw two juvenile brown Bears. The good thing was that Chris caught a Chum or Dog Salmon and now has caught each of the Alaskan Salmon, Red or Sockeye, King or Chinook, Silver or Coho, Pink or Humpy, and Chum or Dog Salmon. I am sure he has a picture of each posted on facebook for all to see.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
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